Severe Heatwave approaching in Punjab within next week



Current alarming situation of weather is going to be severe during next week in Punjab predicted by Provincial Disaster Management Authority PDMA. The authority reported the Lahore High Court that weather would be much under the pressure of heatwave in the upcoming week as mercury raised to 50° Celsius or above.

On Friday during the hearing of a petition on environmental pollution and smog the NDMA informed it to Lahore High Court that weather would too hot due to an upcoming heatwave approaching next week in areas of Punjab. The intensity of heatwave would be much high reported by the authority. Shahid Karim justice at Lahore High Court shows much concern for the condition of weather facing week ahead. PDMA highlighted that the heatwave impacting plants and trees badly along with human beings. Heatstroke are increasing in public because it is impossible that one can stay at home whole the day.

Parks and Horticulture Authority is instructed to strictly follow the measures highlighted for prevention of heatstroke and other diseases caused by heatwave. PHA is instructed by Judge that they should must work on restoration of parks and to grow more trees so that intensity of heat lesson down and also can collect aid for restoration from community. A lawyer told it to worthy judge that two water tanks have been built to save rainwater. Mr. Shahid also take attention to improve the points for more water collection.

He also declared that the court will surely extend the market hours before Eid UL Azha. The session end till a next date of 7th June.

It is considerable that current weather situation is just due to deforestation. It is seen that trees can absorb much of heat for the process of making food as a result oxygen can gain in much amount. We should must stop cutting trees and also to grow new ones so that this earth could be a better place to live in.


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