Firewall a threat to digital marketing



Now a days every Pakistani is suffering due to new technologies of firewalls creating much disturbance in public. Internet is the backbone of global economy and no country can make their way in online businesses without proper internet connection. Government decision to impose firewall on internet causing a great risk for digital economy. Firewall is creating disturbance in fluency of internet due to security check of firewal on every single step.

Pakistan’s digital economy is growing rapidly although it is in its initial stages. This firewall installation is creating problems as website slowdown and routine work for online workers impact badly. Every smartphone user has a habit of E commerce, online transactions and bill payments. Government is also introducing many digital applications to save time and money to travel but this disruption of  firewal causing a problem in the way of digital solutions. Business that rely on internet for advertising and marketing are facing much difficulty leading to loss gradually. Foreign investor are much interested to take the services of Pakistani tech experts would probably deter their attention due to lack of needed internet facilities. Firewall is actually threatening to young generation who are desiring to make their future in online earning and e- commerce. Actually the reason for internet slowdown is that firewall and security check disrupt the routine flow of data over the internet resulting website downloading time out and the person working online may suffer to again load the site. This make a problem when we are installing such a program which need continuous disruption free internet connection. 

Government should take positive steps to control the situation by ensuring a firewall which act smoothly without disturbing internet traffic or may leave the idea to install firewall on internet of whole the country. Solution of this problem is very necessary to develop the business with a pace.


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